
In this section, I will upload my works from time to time. After I create and publish my work, I have a photographer take pictures of my work. I hope to continue to enhance my website through this process.

Now I will get to the point of this story. There are several main materials used in my work. They are, for example, oil paints on cotton cloth and watercolors on paper. I also do some work on photographs and magazines.

The mainstay of my work is narrative painting, but sometimes the narrative is more simplified and becomes the thing itself, looking at you with a clear face.

I always enjoy trying to improve my work. And I strive to go to a higher level.

I hope you all will give me a warm welcome.

Watercolor Painting

I have been drawing pictures since I was a child. It was in the third grade of elementary school that I decided to become a painter in earnest. This is what I envisioned as my future as a painter. As a painter, I would be able to spend my time doing what I love and have a wonderful studio surrounded by nature, despite some pain. For some time now, I have had this vision of my future.

In this corner, I am posting my watercolors, which I have been familiar with since I was a child. I am self-taught in watercolors. When I was in junior high school, I studied landscape painting with the art books of Edward Hopper and Andrew Wyeth.

I have selected a few from my vast archive that continues to this day. And I will continue to do so.

My watercolor technique is basically very quick, but sometimes I go slower when I get to a certain stage.

A lot of paint and water on the palette and a wide brush is usually the first touch.

The work is in the deepest space of the landscape, and the colors are constantly seeking further than the real landscape.

I try to paint farther than the landscape being painted.

It's a very romantic time.

The first stroke is 99 percent of the difference between a good painting and a bad one.

That's why I cherish the time it takes to get to that first task.








さて、このコーナーでは私が幼少の頃から親しんできた水彩画を載せています。水彩画については独学で学んで来ました。私は中学生になると、エドワード ホッパーやアンドリュー ワイエスの画集で風景画の勉強をしました。今日まで続いている膨大な量の私のアーカイブの中からいくつか選び載せています。そして、それを私は続けていくでしょう。






